A Story of a Bengali Girl
Updated: Jul 2, 2020
At Pen:
||A story of a Bengali Girl||
She is watching all the outrage videos and posts on social media regarding George Floyd and how Americans are protesting against it. She saw how the celebrities who endorsed fairness cream is posting hashtags on this matter. She saw the how the bully of the class who had always bullied her by saying "Ma Kali", "alKali", "Kelti", is posting status on social media using#Black_Lives_Matters. She saw that the Aunt who always asked in her pre-teen years to use 'dudh and malai' so that she becomes fair, has sent a forwarded message on social media to sign a petition. She saw how the Uncle who always hated her for her skin colour and avoided talking with her, is now writing blogs for his new website asking to ban fairness creams. She even saw her Mother, who always told in her teen years to put on some make up before going to any family function, is now watching the news on television and showing utter disgust on this news. She saw her friend who always told her to wear dark colour clothes and avoid light colours, is now writing long paragraphs on his status showing his utter disgrace. She saw how her elder brother who always asked her to avoid tea is now discussing with his friend how brutual the world has become. She is watching everything but silently. She didn't post anything regarding it or she didn't forward any petition to be signed. She laughed and asked herself, "How hypocrite and intoxicated our whole system is!? Do they even know against what they are protesting? Is everyone talking about it just because it's a trend now?" She sighed a deep breath and switched off her phone. She sipped on her hot cup of tea and continued reading the story book.
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