Some people are worth melting for
Updated: Jan 19, 2021

At Pen:
Dear Olaf,
You know you are like a bright sunshine on wintery mornings?
Except that you are made of snow , and summers are not meant for you. !
You are like that friend which is all optimistic and full of beans about me finding my love no matter what,
even after being the damsel in distress or being a complete broken wreckage.
You made us adore love,
like love is the sorcery waiting to change us.
And I cannot deny the beauty of love. The calmness you feel in your world.
Just when you start to love - love !!
And that it's always worth the fight !
Quoting you " Some people are worth melting for "
And My heart melts for you,
each time you put up your most knowledgeable yet amusing conversation, even when it's unrelated.
You are like that assy stupid friend who would try to make us feel astonished when we are high and devastated , searching for some real advice and a shoulder to leap on and cry.
"Turtles can breathe from their butt holes".
Yaay, you sound so crazy and crappy ! But we love you and we love you because you bring this wide smile to our sullen faces which reality snatched at some point or the other.
Olaf you light the room with your innocuous smile.
You are not the kind of light that would burn others,
But the one which would keep others warm.
You are the cutest when you asked
Do you ever worry about the notion that nothing is permanent. ?
You made our hearts flutter for a split second.
Forever is a fairy tale ,we all have heard of but experienced only by few. The smile we have isn't gonna stay forever, the hands that hold aren't gonna hold forever , the arms that welcome you aren't gonna stay warm forever.
You taught us love when we were scared to trust, or were too caught up in this gigantic bubble of false regrets.. .
You made us believe that
" Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart ".
A heart like yours Olaf, would make me laugh when I cry.
Love when I hate.
Go head over heals .
You know I see a companion in you?
A friend who I wanted so damn much to exist but I knew I didn't really deserve too.
So I would admire you from a distance through this screen.. hoping one day I do something that would make me deserve someone like you !
Lastly , by spreading love in your language.
"Love is putting someone else's needs before yours "
Forever love , Olaf.
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