DEMOCRACY: The Weapon of the weak and the Voice of All
At Pen:
On International Day of Democracy
15th September
The word democracy describes a form of government. The word comes from two Greek words that basically means “rule by the people.” In a democracy the people have to suggest methods about how the government will be formed. They do this either by:
■ Voting
■ Running campaigns
■ Instructing the government through various mediums like newspapers, posters, TV news, etc.
Our country India is also a democratic country because we can decide on the rules of the government & also In our country each & every people is considered the same even if they have a different religion/colour/etc.
A form democracy was practised about 100 years ago in ancient Greece. How it worked was that all men about 30 years or so were asked to participate. As women, slaves & foreigners were not considered to be citizens they couldn't participate here. Here interestingly, every year, a lottery competition was held where five hundred (500) names were selected & written. Those 500 citizens whose names were selected had to serve the government for one year. During that year, they were responsible for making new laws and they could also change the old laws if they wanted. However, again after one year new men (500) were selected & they again had to serve the government.
Today we elect representatives to serve the government by the system of voting. Every people who has the citizenship of India has the right to vote...
This system is particularly liked by me as I go every year to vote with my parents of course I am not allowed to vote because I am only 12 but people above 18 having citizenship are allowed to vote like my parents. The thing which I like the most is that they mark everyone's finger with a purple ink if they are done with the voting probably so that one person cannot vote more than once!!!
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