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Friendship, Love & Society

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Friendship, Love & Society

You might be surprised to know that these three words are connected with each other... But how??? Well that's what I am here to tell you about !!!! Let us consider these three words as a bunch of qualities !!!!

Friendship ----> This unique word is used to address people who stand by you, fight for you, understand you, and respect you......

Love ------> This unique word should be used to express for people who care for you, understand you, obey your feelings & thoughts, correct you when you're wrong.....

Society -----> Basically, by society we mean the people who surround us in a community for eg: our neighbours and other people. But let's think a bit differently today !!!! Let us say society here means the people who surround us to protect us, to fight for us, to not let other people harm us, to support us, to always make us go in the right track......

Now, in whom will you find all these qualities??? Yes, you are right all these qualities can be found in our *PARENTS and FAMILY*...... Isn't it so??? No, I don't mean all these qualities cannot really be found in our friends but ahaha!!! I told you earlier, let's think a bit differently today:

Let us now see what the actual meaning of Parents and Family is:

P - Patient

A - Attentive

R - Responsible

E - Encouraging

N - Nurturing

T - Talented

S - Sacrificing

So, you see this is the full form of Parents. Wait, I have more to show you!!!

F - Forever beside you

A - Always there

M - Make you go to the right track

I - Inspiration & Dream

L - Love and Laughter

Y - Your model people

So, by now the meaning of Parents & Family must have been clear to you. Well, you see my dear readers Parents and Family will always be there beside you throughout your life.... We all consider Society as our family and it is right Society is our family but for a second let us consider Family as our society!!!

Everyone else will go away but they will always remain with you, and even in your heart....

So, you see how these three words are connected in a triangle !!!

Learn to love them,

Learn to respect them....

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