Hiroshima - A historical disaster
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|| Special post on Hiroshima Day ||
Little boy though seem is not much little as the name.
Result of the greatest war humankind witnessed.
There won't be enough weapons to serve the hatred in this world,
But there are not enough hearts to spread love.
There are enough men born due to hatred of borders,
But there aren't enough men who exclude hatred and born out of love.
With great power come great responsibility though u becomes unanswerable to none.
This hit a new low 75 years ago, and that burdened is still carried by the successors of those sufferers.
Seventy five years have passed,
Since a little boy;
Turned humanity into heap of charred soul.
The concrete dust and dead bodies were accompanied by mourning and grief of our own.
Every war leaves a scar,
But moving forward is what makes us humans.
We should be like gingko tree.
Which survives the worst,
To live and breath in fresh air of peace.
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