At Pen: Diya Basu
Underneath this azure blue,
Is an abode that teems with life,....
A gentle summer breeze wafts over,
Like a tender lover's caress,
This grim necropolis of ghastly bones
And the rotting smell of corpses perfuming this air,
I see you, my friend,
I see all of you,
All those honoured,
And all those disgraced,
All the howling cries and
All the rivers of tears shed,
I see you,my friend.
I see you, my friend,
For all cannot journey to the milky way,
Forever trapped and lurking,
In a damned world halfway between chaos and silence,
Wandering, lost,
Yet yearning to be whole.
I see you my friend,
Drifting around in a disoriented limbo,
Wondering about all the blisters and burns,
And the awful stench of rotting flesh,
You wait for the pain to start,
Yet it never comes.
You think this is a nightmare,
You scream , and beg to wake up,
Running around in a disarrayed frenzy,
Let me stop you there my friend,
For you know not,
Of the horrors of this world,
You think this is hell,
But it is much, much worse.
I see you my friend,
As understanding slowly dawns on your heavily marred face,
An expression mingled with incredulity and horror,
Transforming those mangled jutting facial bones
Into something even more demonic.
I know this feeling, my friend,
The feeling of surrendering to the insanity within,
This volcano of emotions ruthlessly suppressed,
Till it pours out into your mind like a never ending stream of hot, molten lava,
And death slowly beckons....
Extending its arms in a loving embrace,
It cradles your head in its bony hands and,
And that same summer breeze wafting over your mangled frame now,
Enchanted you,
Lured you in like a sailor,
Caught in a siren's thrall.
You feel the breeze,
This omen of death,
Brush over your face thread through your hair,
And you feel this crippling need to fly,
Soar through this air like a magnificent eagle,
Over the clouds and distant lands ,
Your heart soars at this idea of freedom,
Your arms extend on their own,
And yes, you soar,
Soar through the air like a buoyant feather,
And then you descend slowly,
Into death's loving arms as they fold you in an embrace,
The blinding pain you so craved floods your body for an instant,
Before the whole world rescinds into blackness.
You thought you were free,
Yet you wake up again,
To only discover the mangled remains of your soul that remains...
I know, my friend,
I know this journey,
Of the need to be free of this insanity that eats you away,
Like a humongous parasite,
You want to be free of this creature,
And freedom has an indomitable allure.
Welcome to this world of lost souls my friend,
This dwelling of death,
For all those lost to the pain,
Welcome to the world of the damned, my friend.
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