Oh Fall, Winter's Coming

At Pen:
*On Fall*
The Sun goes down early nowadays,
I won't say that I mind,
The swooble-doobley-doosh,
Of autumn that's looking kind.
Oh, sweet Winter's a-coming to the town,
Honey mornings all around,
The wind's chilly and I might want to drown
In your eyes that lift me off the ground.
A parachute jump from the balloon you fill,
I fall down through the air so light,
I'd rather a trampoline stationed there,
So I land from this fleeting state of flight.
The windows are silent from service,
Keeping us awake at night,
Silent silence is such a state of mind,
Embrace my heart and keep holding tight.
Oh, sweet Winter's a-coming to the town,
Blankets shared around,
The days are short and I hate the frown,
In your eyes that lift me off the ground.
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