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Writer's pictureAtverts Production

Pride Month

Updated: Jul 2, 2020

At Pen:

||On Pride Month||

I don’t know how to portray the emotions and feelings of people who have a different sexual orientation. I don’t know how they feel when the world points out a finger towards them to make them regret for what they are. I don’t know how difficult it is to hear the same obnoxious myths and lingos even from the society in which they are a part of.

It’s hard to sculpture yourself out of this space where people would really accept you like you are. But these people have to face this mentally sick society everyday and some of them are forced to withdraw from their preferences.

You think you’re really human by the way the treat these beautiful minds?

You should think that over twice.

Do you think it is easy to accept what you really want? You think it is easy to find out what your body really craves for?

You have just believed from the beginning that a boy is just meant to be with girl.

Did you read that somewhere? Did you read this in any holy book where one cannot rethink ‘bout their sexual beliefs and find happiness in one of their own kinds?

We live in a society where people claimed to be educated with different degrees of their choices. But is that education enough to make you a good human being? Is it enough the make you understand how everyone’s choices really differ from each other and how they matter to them?

You treat them as minorities doesn’t matter whether they’re gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual. But you don’t see the imagination and self belief these minds bear.

Have you ever seen them treating you, you those who proclaim about being “NORMAL” the way you treat them?

You know it doesn’t really matter how much of a self obsessed under-educated prick you can be in a country of 1.33 billion people but yeah, you can change your perspective and make it a better place for the ones who know you in person and can’t share how they feel around you.

Ever thought of it keeping yourself in their place?

Can you bear the pain? Can you hold on to the anger and the rage growing within you? Can you live that way being suppressed as people around you don’t accept who you really are?

Can you do that? Or would you just give up too easily.

I assure you’ll find it a lot easier just to be found a little slim as the rope tightens around your neck. Or the way the knife pierces your wrist. You won’t feel the pain in there anymore.

I know it is tough for you to listen to all of this. But have you ever thought how much tougher it was for them?

Some of them just could not bear it and gave up.

I know you won’t admit it but you’re a murderer. Every day you suppress thousands of beautiful growing minds who just want something more than just being with a person of the opposite sex.

Maybe you can just accept the way they are and not create more trouble for them. I know maybe you'll find it hard to believe but you can’t change it coz its beautiful for them so should it be for you.

Maybe with time you’ll understand that life and human beings are full of flaws but those are the things which make them different and better than us coz if everyone would have been the same way then the world would just be an infinite loop of misfortunate happenings.

Maybe you'll figure it out someday who you really are or maybe not. But let’s make a change by acknowledging ourselves with the true meaning of humanity.

Spread love.

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