What does Christmas mean to you? Pt. II
At Pen:
What Christmas Means to You?
Well if I put it in a word it means FAMILY to me ,
Christmas is gifts and laughs and giggles and so many stories of Santa coming up with gifts for us.
Every Christmas I pictured my family together , be it sulking or having fun.
Just us , and for what I know, trying to get along
In a very imperfect manner.
It was church and prayers , it still is, well the only thing that changes is the people in our prayers,
And that affects almost everything.
Every year we loose people , we stick to few.
We get to know some,
And finally give our hearts to one.
A year passed by and we cannot comprehend how we survived it.
For me Christmas is like an introspection,
We thank the year for not getting too much out of us,
And we hope the new year brings hopes and aspirations.
We hope to hold hands of our loved ones forever through thick and thin, and realise that it's okay to fail even if it's not.
Christmas can be all merry and loveable for most of us,
But it's also a chance to look back up and realise what you are taking off this year, and will the load be bearable for the next one?
Are we overworking ourselves, or just trying to avoid not working at all?
This year has been undoubtedly hard for each one of us , and this year made us realise , life could be so unpredictable , but worth having !
We just gotta push a little..
So hope Christmas gets the best of you, so you could welcome the new year with open arms.
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