World Environment Day
Updated: Jul 2, 2020
At pen :
World Environment Day.
The past - The sound of sparkling water, the rustling of leaves, the silent swaying of trees, the gigantic personality of the mountains, the warm sunshine through broken windows on a cold winter day, the droplets of rain falling on your soul to create the music of life.
The present- The sound of Contaminated water, an absence of the rustling of leaves, due to premature death, the deforestation of trees, vandalised mountains, an outcome of terrace farming, excessive humidity and heat due to global warming, and "Chernobyl Rain".
The future - To Be Seen.
The Celebration of World Environment Day, seems like a remarkable jubilation, but, the celebration of
what? What do we humans celebrate, when the world continues to grapple with the Amazon Rainforest Fires, Australian Bushfires annihilating 6 million hectares of land, Flash Floods in Jakarta displacing 60,000 people, UK announces the proliferation of High Temperatures and concludes it as "record-breaking decade", hundreds of thousands of native fish that have been estimated to have died in northern New South Wales, Australia, as rains washed ash and sludge from bushfires into Macleay River, deadly heavy rain and floods kill thousands of people, displace more than 30,000 in southeast Brazil, Uttarakhand Forest Fires, Amphan Cyclone in West Bengal, Camp Fire 2018 in California, More Than 30,000 affected by heavy flooding in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. These are the few natural disasters out of the many that has occurred this year, within the time span of just 6 months. These effect the environment but make it to the headlines, with no particular change, as the condition of our surroundings still remain the same. Whether it is the Death of Koalas or the Death of a variety of animals and reptiles in the forests of Amazon, what are we humans doing to protect them from being endangered? Are we Responsible enough? Will we be responsible enough if we stop polluting the holy and pristine waters of India, if we stop deforestation to satisfy our selfish need for skyscrapers, if we sto
p polluting the air with poisonous and hazardous gases that are emitted from factories, automobiles, and chimneys? Yes, we will be, but to ensure the smooth functioning of the 'environment', we humans need take the step forward towards it's protection. But, is just a "pledge" enough? Do you think, you really are responsible enough, and doing your best?
"The Guardian" says - "Football pitch-sized area of tropical rain-
forest lost every six seconds." We are not even considering minutes, but the annihilation takes places in seconds, while construction after destruction takes years. The Level of Global Loss, when it comes to our environment is unimaginable, and unfathomable. What we need are better policies by the Government and the enforcement of laws, and breach of any of them, will be a punishable offence. But a relaxation of the restrictions, will only result in the greedy exploitation of our environment and resources from which we procure unadulterated and unconditional love.
I firmly believe in the absence of the particularity of time. There is no "particular
time", when it comes to your contribution towards the surroundings you reside in. Contribute everyday, every minute, every second. To get away with the myths that surrounds "Planet Earth is ours", no "Planet Earth is Mine", and I will protect it whatsoever. Make it a better place for all things living and non living. From the infinitesimal ants, to the largest Elephants, from the fast paced Cheetahs, to the tall Giraffes, it is our duty, to protect our animals, our trees, our plants, and ourselves.
Everyday is World Environment Day! The World is just a microcosm of the larger and bigger Macrocosm of our Environment. What makes and breaks us, is our Environment. Why is the love we share with our Environment One Sided? Why make it unrequited? Instead, let us not just "hope" for a better future, but work towards a better, hygienic and clean environment.
The worst is yet to come, but what if we humans beat the worst, with the best? Determination and Diligence towards the ambience we breathe in.
"Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher." - William Wordsworth.
I have purposely left Future as "To Be Seen", as it solely depends on us humans, to make the world a better place for you and for me and the entire human race.
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